Topping the High Score Honor Roll! Another Regional Championship! University of Waterloo’s Pascal, Fermat, and Cayley Math Competitions SuOn students achieve another success!

 In English News

The Pascal, Cayley, Fermat Math Competition in Waterloo, Canada, is designed for students up to grade 12 and aims to encourage students to enjoy Math and improve their ability to solve Math problems through the competition. This year’s Pascal, Cayley, Fermat Math Competition saw the active participation of our Grade 9, 10 and 11 students, and we received the good news from the University of Waterloo not long ago:

SuOn Academy won the regional championship of this Waterloo Fermat Math Competition!

Ting Cui, a Grade 11 student, scored 137 points and received a certificate and medal for her participation in the Fermat Mathematics Competition! Congratulations to Ting Cui!

In the Fermat Math Competition for Grade 11 students, 8 students from our school ranked in the top 25% in Canada and received certificates and awards: Ting Cui, Buhe Zhou, Duoming Yuan, Dingran Wang, Shiyuan Lyu, Shuchen Di, Xinyue Hu, and Diyun Zhou.

Five students from our school won the Cayley Math Competition, which was attended by Grade 10 students: Ziyou Li, Ziyi Wang, Yuze Wang, Jiaying Tang, and Junchao Xiao.

Grade 9 student Fanling Yang also won the Pascal Math Contest at the University of Waterloo.

Congratulations to the winners!

As we all know, the University of Waterloo is known globally for its expertise and development in the field of mathematics, and has the largest School of Mathematics in North America and the world. The School of Mathematics is the largest in North America and the world. The School has a wide range of internationally popular majors such as Computer Science, Actuarial Science, Bioinformatics, Mathematics/Accounting, and Mathematics/Business Administration. In order to assess students’ mathematical ability in an objective and fair way in the face of a large number of applicants, the University of Waterloo has adopted a unified examination since 1963, and has gradually expanded the scale and influence of the math competition. The excellent results of this competition will be a powerful weight for students’ future university applications, and will fully pave the way for their advancement to Grade 12!