
 In 热点新闻

he Students of the Month for May in 2021, six students are pictured receiving their certificates from Principal Ms. Pereira. They received their nominations for demonstrating Citizenship. Congratulations to those students of the month. We are proud of you !!!



11年级 王元隆 Frederic Wang

11年级 Carla Burton

12年级 周昕逸 Ryan Zhou

12年级 方炳桦 Vick Fang

12年级 廖诚洁 Emma Liao

12年级 王曹莅 Ilsa Wang


Obeys the law 遵守法律

Respects authority 尊重权威

Contributes to society and the community 为社会与社区做贡献

Believes in doing what is right 分辨是非

Stands up for the rights of others 尊重他人的权利

Tries to serve others before himself/herself 先人后己

Respects themselves and others 尊重自己和他人

Takes responsibility for their learning and recognizes their duty to represent our school positively 为学习负责,认识到自己的责任心将积极地代表学校的形象


由校长亲自倡导的“Student of the Month”(每月学生之星)活动,旨在培养同学们积极向上的生活态度,乐于奉献勇于承担的良好品格,为今后的大学生活和工作打好基础。


九月: 合作

十月: 责任心

十一月: 谦逊

十二月: 同理心

一月: 诚实

二月: 尊重

三月: 包容

四月: 自律

五月: 公民意识

六月: 坚持

校长将为每位当选者亲自准备公示表扬信函,这不仅是一项殊荣,更是为同学们的大学申请累积个人资本! 此外,学生之星还有机会获得校长邀请共进午餐!得到来自校长的学业建议及人生指导。